Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Up too late again, reading Hamlet again, and again
staging that game in my head. 'The change of words
would do me good,' I think to myself and work : 
'Oh that too solid flesh would melt away, or thaw,
and resolve itself to mist, or that the equally solid
God had not fixed his canon against self-slaughter!
Instead then, how weary, stale and flat and unprofitable
seem all the uses of this dreary world to me. To Hell
with it all! It's an unweeded garden that grows to seed;
the things which possess it are gross, and that is all
they hold onto no matter.' Then the late night bird
of darkness, as I notice, begins its shadowed twirl  -
late, late, and far too late for now. I must encircle
myself, yes, and guide away into another rounding
form of sleep and journey. Up too late again.

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