Monday, April 27, 2015


The guns were loaded and the murder
was a secret. No one was allowed to talk,
under a penalty of death  -  the mob guys
didn't mess around. When you were out,
you were out. The creep to my left only
had nine fingers already because of it.
I never understood how I was to live down
my own lineage  -  a line of hoodlums, little
guys broken on the wheel of their own crime
syndicates : the embezzled dead, the stolen
and the twisted. Minions, so intent on crime
that they even forgot women. There's a trick.
I always used to think that must have come
up in every prison conversation : between
sentenced criminals, facing big-time or facing
a sentence of Life. 'Didn't you never have time
for Love, or a woman?' I figure they must ask 
each other that a hundred thousand times.
A dumb oaf, doing time, with 
nothing else on his mind.

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