Thursday, April 23, 2015


Well, there's no figuring for that  -  elephants are
gone from the circus now, and this is end-times for
sure : I know the moon is halved. I know that the
summoning of Jupiter is underway. We read the 
omens in  lozenge-like entrails of dreams and 
nightmares alike. The child wakes up, and the
mother says 'what's that all over the bed?'.
'Just the dreams of my nightmare self, mother
dear.' Intent on all survival, I want to tell these
stories : the baseball man is an idiot, and he's 
swung for those fences again. Crowds cheer.
Figuring for that? Nothing left in the three-ring
format? Who was that elephant they electrocuted
in 1903? Topsy, a female elephant, retired from
Ringling Brothers, electrocuted by Thomas Edison
as a public display of his current, and to  -  more
importantly, I'm betting  -  to publicize the opening
of Luna Park at Coney Island.
I want to say. What. The. Fuck?
Guilt travels all these years, in a
very closed circuit; and I hope 
they've all burned in their Hell.

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