Sunday, April 5, 2015


I'm living off the fat of the land now, hoof to mouth,
like a disease too I suppose : the prairie dog window,
always open, those mouths, always talking. Five new 
cars are parked at the side of the house across the way  -
new things always look so sleazy.
No matter how many times I count the totals, they
always come out wrong. Like myself approaching
Norman Mailer, I want to wonder : where does old 
fame go if no one knows the name? So, the question
is  -  how short is the time needed to fade away. Never
die, just fade away. General MacArthur said that.
Never fully knowing what that meant and why he said
it upon a firing demotion, I often wondered  -  growing
up  -  about how must the military mind work : take
it all in stride, profess no beliefs of your own, kill as 
you must, and as you've been trained. I suppose, again,
if it makes you feel OK, then it is OK. The regal
realty is the housing project in which
the King's mind dwells.

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