Saturday, April 25, 2015


The gray man began to tell me, he said "you are
an abstractionist with words, and have come all
this way to perform. This is all very interesting, 
and I am  -  just as much  -  very happy I came
to hear you. Everything you lit upon, word by
word of yours, was gone the instant you touched 
it  -  that was the magic of the reading. Complete
breakdowns of every matter to abstraction. A
gone-complete negation of everything you say.
Amazing indeed  - what Pollock or Rothko  -
each in their way  -  did with paint you do with
words. I am enamored of that, sir. Would
that I could listen some more. I wanted to
hang on every concept you introduced,
and was always amazed, all day."
I decided then and there to drink. To smoke.
To eat. To continue talking. To find some
girl to love me more. To ask around for 
money. to get acclimated to this new life.
To take up the magic wand of the new 
wizardry of all the gray man said to me.

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