Tuesday, January 10, 2023


Growing pretty aimless of late, I
mostly sit around and think of what
I've maybe escaped. This recuperation 
crap wears thin. I am nowhere, and go
nowhere else; I guess it's good it's
Winter, maybe, otherwise I'd just sit
in the sun so some fool could tell me I
need my vitamin E from exposure.
Yeah, like an umbrella needs rain.
I'm already in another world, looming,
and I don't know why. I sit in place,
looking out when it's 20 degrees, and,
when it's 40, venturing. Venturing? For
what and to where I never know, I can
walk the scratchy surface of the ground,
but never leave it.
A friend  -  he's always cranky  -  says
'get over it, you're boring all the world.'
I guess so, but what's he know? He makes
me look like Sir Lancelot on a silver steed.

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