Thursday, September 12, 2019

12,099. YOU CAN'T

You can't go making a big
deal about everything because
then nothing's big at all. Nor
can you cry about spilled milk 
when you don't even have a cup. 
I'd think. It all makes sense to me.
Have you ever seen a seaside seagull
taking a bath? All that salt water wears
them down and it seems like every so
often a puddle or pool of fresh water
is just what they seek. Feathering all
like a fool as they do. Parrying the
water, playing at fish too.
Me? (Why do you ask?)  -  I grow
tired of many things but somehow
always thinking, I remain. Stupid
stuff will fill a barrel, if you let
it. Like water, overflowing,
in the rain.

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