Sunday, September 1, 2019

12,057. RUDIMENTS, pt. 795

RUDIMENTS, pt. 795
(designs for your porch?)
Rather than distance myself
from things, I always felt
there was a message built
into everything; so I dug
in instead.  This put me at
odds, with the 'Pure-God'
crowd, whose view of God
was of a pure and distant
presence, prime mover of
all things, which were
inherent and then made
self-evident by the aloof
'distance' of this far-off
God concept. My viewpoint
was the other way (as it
turned out, a total failure
and a bust, by whatever,
and by whose terms
anyway?)...for I held
faith in the active and
present work of a verb-God,
one whose activities and
consciousness as it were, of
and within all things, kept
this world going and, as
well, stepped in to alter 
and to influence its acts, 
occurrences, and those
agents of these acts too;
namely, US, as Humans.
What happens when one's
premise and base for living
turn out to be only false and
conjectural? Well, just look
at me. I missed the mark.
Aristotle had said 'God' was
pure reason and far too
exalted to descend to the
knowledge of such ignoble,
particular beings as men (all
beings/ Humankind) and its
doings. On the other hand,
the God of revelation was
the active agent, able to
know all things and to be
present and active in the
creative order. The two
instances here diverge, yes,
and greatly. Pure God, and
aloof, contemplating only
itself and not the petty affairs
of men and their cosmos;
set against that Revelation,
acting-force, determinate,
God. I had placed my early
bet on the active, force-bound
agent one, and had, apparently
bet wrongly. (Aristotle also
said, somewhat stupidly, I felt,
relating to that aloof God
of reason, and its 'Creation'
of which he paid no attention,
that 'There are some things
which it is better not to see
than too see.'
So, anyway, I almost should
have realized, but the traveling
cross-country girlfriend who 
was with us a complete fan
of, alas, The Flower District,
in NYC  -  and one of her goals
was to see and visit it, at the
5:30 AM start-up and prep
time that it operates by. She
wanted to see the incoming
trucks of flowers, cuttings and
such, witness the distribution
and trimming and cutting, and
display, of the entire gamut of
flower-district activities. Quite
dedicated. In addition, she was
an architect....of porches. Go
figure! I never even knew there
were such things  -  porches and
overhangs, balconies and the like.
Talk about craft specialization!
So, in addition to the flower
district wanderings, our time
took in her sketching and 
drawing, in not artistic, but 
rather architectural renderings, 
of all these things she'd see.
Overhangs. Grandiose entryways,
mid-level dormers and such  -
all of the rich and varied parts
of so many old buildings. It
was a bit tedious, yet I enjoyed
it; fortunately the weather was
good, we were able to eat, etc.
Plenty of dawn activities, and
many places were open to serve
that early crowd. The scurrying
ants of commercial New York
were everywhere.
So, no interdiction was due me;
I had failed, had bet wrongly, 
and my definitive enterprises
therefore needed some newer
reconstituting. Which is where
my life - centered around an aloof
yet rampaging creativity - came in,
and was sourced from. Other than
that, I'd lost all meaning; not such
a bad thing, as I learned; because,
to put it frankly I can take, and
I can argue either side of any 
issue. And can do it well. What
that actually makes me, I don't 
know. (But what it does for me
is show me how inconsequential
the fallen world actually is, that
I can argue any point and scoff
at its opposite, from any angle,
and how deadly serious and for
more vital and important the
unchanging and fierce world
of cosmic creativity is by
contrast. You can have your
silly old 'Earth' stuff).
Jamming into NYC from that
last leg of the journey, from
Binghamton east, was a real
blast. Probably punch-drunk
from two long, dumb, days
of incessant travel, dogs, talk,
sights, scenes and sounds, I
felt positively Keruoac-ean.
My head was ablaze, and my
running mind was kept reeling.
Possibilities abounded; each 
and all seen in the light of the
long arc of all I'd ever done
before : books, quotes, learning,
writing, wants, and needs too.
By contrast, I am an old man
now, with a much clearer and
sharpened delineation of
character and selfhood. Many
of the things I was concerned
with or cared about then, I
would no longer spend a penny
on. The long years wasted and
drained my life  -  to the point
where I realize no there are no
meanings or definitions worth
doing anything about. It's all
an ever-changing bowl of soup,
but presented to us somehow
on a sloppy platter, instead of in
a bowl. Keeping it all together
and from dripping all over the
floor is our human task.
And too bad for all that!
There was a certain strangeness
to these people who were our
traveling companions. I'd never
quite seen it before. It kind of
concerned me, but at the same
time was none of my business.
'She' was the passive partner
here; almost abusively so  -
taking refuge, I found, in these
quirky dedications to sketching
entries, porches, and overhangs.
The guy in this mix was a total,
demand/control figure, wielding
that heavily over her head. It
wasn't often that I could read a
power-dynamic so clearly, but
this one was easy. The same 
weird drive, the same personality
intensity and madness that took 
us in a two day period from
one westerly NY State point,
across to NYC, and then back a
abit to New Jersey too (and also
back to Elmira again!), almost
without ceasing, was the same
sort of push-drive-command
over others he wielded, or
tried to anyway. I noticed he
controlled the style of her
hair; she'd commented she
wished for it to be cut back
some, but he'd allow no
tampering. I wasn't sure what
any of this represented, but I
could feel the chafing in the
air; something there was 
about them that was gong 
on too far forward. It wasn't
computing for me. Fondly, I
found her appreciation for things
for more comforting than his
drive. I'd never been trained
for this sort of situation. They
didn't last. Within the year, after
they'd gone back to California,
the relationship failed, they went
their separate ways, after some
real quarreling. I lost track of
her  -  his fifth relationship in
maybe 10 years  -  and he later
died. It was all as over as that.
If you see any porch designers
named Sherie, it might be her.

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