Friday, August 9, 2019

11,976. I ONLY WANT

Nothing much affects me
anymore; I'm so damned numb
about it all. The end of this
world couldn't come soon
enough for me. My flag,
unfurled, stands crestfallen
and twisted over a broken
spread I'm now sorry I ever
claimed at all. There's no
return-window in that
orange land. I don't want 
for much. Not any longer.
I'd like for people to read
my work and see my stuff. I'd
hope someone cared enough:
to find something of interest,
an original thought and new
approach to some History
of things they'd not known.
That's all of what my vibrant
lines and sentences are about.
Timing no longer being
essential, I no longer need to
watch my words and mouth.
I'm old. I can say what I want.

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