Sunday, January 13, 2019


I'm in that canyon again where
I'm often lost and then sometimes
found. I don't want to sleep
because I don't like the company
it brings me. Too much a crowd.
There's yet a music in the air I
cannot place  -  replicate this old
grail for me, if you can, before
I die. My mastication has no
windows from which to view.
Here's the way I learned it : A 
long time ago Science took us
over. Mad science, like the old
comic books had  -  where things
meant things and the children 
sometimes prayed and often 
played. Everyone understood
each other.
It's not like that now : The better
angels of our Nature have fled.
We're left with the bucolic run
of feeble-minded creatures sunning.
Those who take no notice will have
no mind and inundated by facts not
their own, will end up believing
anything at all. That's the easy
part. The hard part comes next.

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