Saturday, January 5, 2019

11,447. RUDIMENTS, pt. 555

RUDIMENTS, pt. 555
(pearls before swine)
What does it mean when
you are only allowed to
criticize the scenery, not
the scene? I often thought
of that as I was to pledge
allegiance to this or that,
stand or push for the flag,
endorse a politics and a
process that I thought
utterly ridiculous, and
otherwise respond positively
to the enforced enticements
of the thieves and crooks
who ran things. It was
pretty much a highway
to ridicule and revolt for
me. And still is. How to
put it? 'Knowledge is
control,' attempts to say
it but it's very incorrect
because the element sought
is not really 'knowledge.'
I guess the best way to
put it is by looking locally,
and speaking the truth  -
sorry for the hurt, but it's
no different than the hurt
imparted to us as citizens,
who see everything taken
from us. Who see people
basically living in Government
compounds, taking wages
and salaries from others,
and who buttress their
own personal idiocies by
scamping off of other
people. The streets where
I live, for instance, are
spotted with government
workers. Of the worse kind.
Make-work types. What
used to be called the
typist-class of the
task-doer. No thought
involved. Just rote.
I never got involved in the
driving along highways of
intolerance and error that
most people, and certainly
all 'organizations,' do. I
mostly kept my own
definitions of things., and
to myself. Pearls Before
Swine, and all that. 
In 1969, I can recall a band
named Pearls Before Swine.
(This is a complete sidebar).
The guy's name was Tom
Rapp, and when I heard his
music it was of a sort I'd not
heard before. It was intriguing.
He died about a year ago, at
age 70, in Melbourne, Florida.
I was there myself a few years
back  -  should have looked
him up while I still could.
The funny thing about it all
was  -  and how this ties in
to my original point  -  was
that Tom Rapp had integrity.
You don't find that much 
anymore. He found some
success as a recording artist,
and had about 8 albums, with
a band of his sometimes, and
others as a solo artist. Nothing
of any great, mass, following;
it was all too quirky for that.
Tom chucked it all and became
 a civil rights lawyer, a fairly
prominent civil rights lawyer.
That's integrity.
What are civil rights anyway,
when you try to think about 
them? Do we really have any, 
or should we? Cosmically, or in
the Biblical sense, I'd imagine,
no. If I've got the story right,
we are born already guilty of
and paying for someone else's
sin? Our entire life is spent
under a cloud which we cannot
expiate, for a crime we did not
do. What better means of
political and psychic control
could there be? Is that an 
explanation for this life? I
think not. Being told that we
can only achieve 'foundation'
by adhering to the dictates of
another, because of something
we did not do but for which
we must continually pay and
by which we are tainted, reeks 
of a masterful scheme of control.
That kind of thing, by the way,
trickles all the way down the
scale, until we're left, as it is,
with the usual paradigms of
idiotic fools handling the
tiller for the wonderful 
boat-ride through the places 
we all must live. There's not a
brain between them, so all
they can espouse is the 'scene'
they impose upon you. War
upon Nature. Rows and 
rows of ghetto-like project 
housing with only the most 
and meager touch at anything 
good  -  plastic window-moldings, 
and gates  and fences, cheap, 
one-dimensional facades, 
interdiction of lights and
drives for their use only. The
area-flooding with marginal
and sleaze-ball individuals 
dropped here as if from 
helicopters; still in their 
'where am I now?' daze.
None of this is just the 
semblance of a fallacy; 
it IS the fallacy. The local
Mayor is a robot facsimile,
and his minions wave handles
as midgets in Oz, with the yellow
brick road to Hell stretching
before. That's your Civil Rights.
Have you ever looked at roofs
and seen the vent pipes for
bathroom and toilet use. It's
a little pipe that comes up off 
the roof, supposedly at a highest
point, to vent the sewerage, etc.
If you look at the Station Village
roofline locally (a local slum-line
projection going up here, for 
free), from, say, the end of
Cornell Street, each unit has 10 or 
15 of them. Back here, down the
street from them, we pay the
usual property tax, PLUS the
additional sewer-use yearly tax.
These people were granted a
30-year tax abatement for the
slum project, and I wonder
what sort of exemption that
garners them for all the feces 
and yellow water generated as
well. We have to pay for their
shit to, so to speak? Ever wonder?
Can't carp the scene; just carp
the scenery? Have you ever 
wondered why? Why midget
wounded men in firewagons
run over you? Why flagons and
barrels of gay roustabouts
purport to give you theater 
and arts of fluff and pink
candy? Scene? Or scenery?
Why they come to you and
'stop the stuff, you're pissing
me off?' No? Me either.
What it all comes down to is
what we need, really need  -  
a complete redefining of terms 
and conditions. We need a
Tom Rapp to drop his efforts
some and come here, redefine 
and call out, assert self-hood 
and some integrity instead of
the spineless nitwits we get
running around from corner to
corner using our gasoline.
I guess what I'm saying is  -
the Biblical burden, we're born
with that, imposed on us, from 
birth, and we can't do a thing about 
it and we're already guilty, paying 
somehow for the crime of another. 
There's the key, I figure. That 
structured way by which we're 
already, psychically, sunk.
Yet, here to, presented to us,
right before us and affecting
our lives and beings, are numerous
crimes and transgressions we can
do something about : and we do 
nothing. If lies and truths have
any difference between them, and
if Humankind is worth anything
at all, why then do we consistently
let others steal, create, and own
the narratives by which we then
must live and which they then
impose on us with their side feints
and Historical fallacies, created in 
the expectations of s buying into
it all and remaining placated while
they still forge ahead destroying
our places of being and the very
 'places' they extol? Husbanding 
the Earth ('caretaking') is God's
mission for us. Not destruction.
Jump up, Jiminy Cricket, into
my lap of luxurious lies!
That's the scene. I just ripped
up the scenery.
Modern reason, with its ideals of
freedom, justice, and prosperity,
takes away freedom even as it
purports to further it. 'Knowledge'
is always linked to power, which
is why the powers-that-be always
must (first) command the narrative
they present to you. If they can own
the 'truth' (the knowledge), they
can own you. All you have to do
(and this is often difficult, especially
when you begin 'taking' what they
give you (such as working for them)),
'Knowledge' (false knowledge) gives
power to those who have it; but what
is even more, what 'counts' as
knowledge is also determined by 
those who have it. All we need do
is resist, begin a resistance to their
deliberate lies and cheatings, at our
expense. They are the expendable ones,
and we should never be. Their kind
of (cheap, vulgar) power dominates
both its objects AND its subjects.
Especially if nothing resists.
The object of living must be
immortality. Not success, or any
(so called) material progress.
As Diatoma said to Socrates:
"It is to achieve immortality that
everything shows this enthusiasm
for its offspring, physical or
intellectual. It is what love is."
We, instead, are throwing it all
away, and allowing it to happen.
We ought be taking down these
fey harpies instead.

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