Thursday, January 10, 2019


There's nothing to be gained by
a starry, starry night and I don't
care a whit. I crashed my Chevy
at the levee, after driving to it.
What difference did it make 
anyway? My Daddy lost his 
job making them long before
I lost my job crashing them.
I came from a long line of ghosts,
and the family reunions got pretty
crowded, even though you couldn't
see a 'damn o'nothing.' I just went
along. Hello there, Uncle Jed
and Great Grandpa Dave. We
drank 'til we were stupid again, at
dawn. Hello there Grandad Billy,
Hello Great Grandpa Ken.
So, see how easy that was? There
was nothing to be gained  -  nor
nothing to be lost. These times
now are different, and now I'm 
pretty old, but I can still see.
I got a neighbor with a still, and
he keeps bringing me whiskey.
Right down the drain, and I
refill it with water and he thinks 
I'm a drunk. Nothing to be gained,
but at least I ain't sunk.

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