Monday, June 9, 2014


I never minded anything, just took it all in
stride : those old egg-salad headache Fridays
and the years of blistering afternoon migraines;
headaches and brain-waves, tests for this and that;
walking blindly home in the hot June heat. I never
minded anything, just took it all in stride.
Then it all passed, just like that : Life Magazine
long afternoons on a cooling kitchen table, penning
a notebook, drawing another. Pictures of cars.
Pictures of mother. Gulf of Tonkin on the television.
What madness transpired, I only found out later.
The fireworks were in Merril Park; some Fourth of
July crap I bicycled to. Lying on my back, looking 
straight up in the crowded, big field  -  a million loads
of color in the darkening sky. Some ooh'd, some aah'd,
and I, I'd just stay there, looking up at the nighttime sky.

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