Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Frank O'Hara is reading 'I'm Having a Coke With
You'. I am puking up Whitman  -  in between these two
things, a world spreads its gulf wide open as I wonder why
I am here. What does any of this mean? He is staunchly
talking, his cigarette going on, his mouth moves and those
plenary, soft and luscious words come out. He likes to talk 
of moments and pleasures, and I realize these are things I
really dislike. Does this Irish fireplug ever get up, finish?
Frank O'Hara is reading 'The Day Lady Died'. My shoes
are hurting and I'm watching his face. He said he wanted to
be at the Five-Spot again, leaning against a doorway while
some jazzboy flamed away in his shirtsleeve reverie. My
God, I think, my God sometimes this gets so boring. It is
outside again  -  sleet and rain and snow, pretend. The
cold air blows in through the doorway. I shudder.
What's worse? Frank O'Hara is reading again. What's
worse  - this time it's movie magazines. Like an old
whore in a beauty parlor seat, he pages through the sludge
of fashions and glamor, crying anew for the stupid dead.
Montgomery Clift. James Dean. Marilyn Monroe. It goes
on, the list, and what the fuck? Who cares. He reads like
this forever, that catty, gay mouth, with its gossip and fun.
It's all almost dreary enough, but I love him forever for it.
Frank O'Hara is reading again.

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