Monday, February 24, 2014

5107. EDIFY

High atop Cayuga's waters, as that old song goes, I stood
entranced looking down  - about below stood those foreign
fields of farmland to the water. A few Buddhist guys in the
pie-plate rehab shop were standing about. I often visited
here, just to see the sky and land, below and above.
People who needed their own help would come here to
soak  -  stay a week or two, live clean like Buddhists. They
tried their hand at selling self-made wine and pies and cakes.
No one ever came to buy that I could see. Never knew where
anything went : purple cloaks and saffron robes, high above.
I was emplaced by comparison to edify my own needs and
wants and  -  loving every moment of it  -  wished I'd never 
leave. It was 1973, and all those Cornell hippies were still
lining up to exit, try their luck at something, to go away again.

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