Monday, February 17, 2014


How many layers of fencing need there be to keep the
world away from me? I wonder all the time : since, as
it is I seek the solace of a solitude in the format of a
refugee, a 'resident alien' if it be. I look at you, as well,
and need to be reminded of a separate world : so I look
up your word and find it revealed. Like the drinkers
in Arizona, who zone a gun-free tavern only by
hanging their firearms on the wall as they enter,
I chuckle at the strangeness that I see, and the
means of taking the ticket to retrieve the gun
you've left behind. Wherever now that
it may be.
Lets fop the kindle and get rid of this
strange campfire where we sit. The light
is in the canyon, and those strange forms are
coming from the shadows we throw by this fire
as echoed on the canyon walls of stone. To which,
we aspire, only our hearts and minds would roam. I
like it this way; let it be, have us stay.

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