Friday, April 14, 2023


The mind of a mensch slathered on 
white bread : not worth much as a 
treat, but fun enough to have
around when things go wrong. 
Try to make up your mind.
The two men were settling accounts;
one was paying for the car, a 2017
Nissan, Altima, I think -  can't always 
tell any more, but it was pretty spiff.
He just wanted to finish the deal and
ride off.
The other guy, of course, the opposite, 
was a nervous wreck. He wanted his
money; he wanted the proper paperwork
and signatures, filed and secured. The
most nervous type in the world.
I've ben in those situations before, and
it's always gone wrong: one time, well,
more than one time, I let the new owner
take off using my plate, just to get home.
One time the car, in New Jersey, got as
far as Sewaren, from Metuchen, and was
found by the cops in a nearby Sewaren
Swamp. They wanted to know what was
I had no answer, and was completely
dumbfounded. I didn't care, since I had
the cash, the guy was guy long gone, and there 
were no charges on me, except a scolding.
What pissed me off was that it was my MG.
A few years back, up here, now, same thing
happened with some dweeby guy. He bought
my Jeep, and called from Marshall's Creek,
some 85 miles off, saying it was making a
horrible noise. He just wanted me to know. 
I said 'What did you do that caused it?' 
He said he'd turned on the AC. (See how 
I'd put it on him?).... I said, 'turn the AC 
off, drive  it home, and have your mechanic 
check it out.'  He agreed to that, and I 
never heard from him again.

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