Wednesday, April 26, 2023


Sure, I'll take that trip? Do you want 
to come too? I know you're a dainty lady,
but you probably won't recall a thing. So,
here's what we can do. I'll wear a long
trench-coat, like a comic-book pervert,
and you can deny ever knowing me at
all. Damn! Now I've spilled coffee all
over my pants leg. It's a lag, that leg,
on our plans, but you can't renege, and
I'm taking your silence as an OK. I beg
for your silence. I'll get another cup of
coffee from the dregs, and while I do
that you go get ready. Rock steady, for
my tenderness on the block! (That's
something I stole from Warren Zevon, 
but the line works every time). I think
we'll both enjoy a good time.

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