Tuesday, April 11, 2023


I didn't know what this guy was talking about,
but he was standing by the automatic doorway
at the lousy supermarket by the river. He 
occasionally handed out papers, but, it seemed,
to selected people only. 'AOC is DOA!'
That was really surprising to me. At first I
thought it meant AOL, but then I remembered
that lady from New York; a bum in a fancy skirt.
Maybe it's only for the time being, but I figured
he was pretty 'free' and pretty 'bold' to be passing
out that flyer. Some idiot will probably bag him
soon  -  and, besides, AOC  -  if that's who he 
meant  -  has nothing to do with Honesdale's
lament. Everything however seems to be 
spreading fast and she seems to represent
nothing at all.
I guess the dismantlement of all our times
will take place in a natural way : things to
fall apart, instances and meanings to change.
I get crazed by what I see  -  no seems to know
a thing anymore. Knowledge is dead. Most 
people are local morons. The same 'Headlines' 
that scream of Ukraine and the Russians, in 
the very next breath and with somehow the
same intent to seriousness, will tell us 'Kardashian
bares her cleavage at the Emmies,' or some snide
crap about a model or a star on her 14th husband.
It all cannot be equivalent; but now no-one
gives a hoot.

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