Saturday, May 23, 2020


What to watch out for in
poets? Here are a few things 
I've learned : Beware of female
poets with tattoos. Divorced.
Who wear funny shirts and
align themselves with other
liberal and often ambi-sexual
women. They may write 'poems,'
but I've not got time for their
works and concerns. 
Now, to the men, mostly the
same applies. But beware of gay
sensibilities and funny-shaped 
beards. Things that are fussy
and take way too much time.
Watch out for them too, with
all their exclamatory emotion
and effusive flamboyance.
Ladies with children, who then
start writing poems about, or to
their kids and kids' futures? Get
off that pot, immediately. Also,
any poem somehow connected 
to politics  - bail immediately.
It's usually some bitch with a 
sense of defiance and entitlement
they somehow connect to their
issue of anger. Pippa passes.
Sports guy poems : Beware. Keep
far away from those 'My Son, the
Slugger' panegyrics to as yet an
unborn talent. Rounding third,
yet another turd.

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