Thursday, May 14, 2020

12,811. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,054

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,054
(every day's a piece of writing)
One thing I no longer do,
that I did in other years, is
take long walks at night. I
guess I'm more settled now,
and, obviously, with lots more
things to do. But the times
when I do get outside to view
the night I remember so well
what used to be. I had a map,
by memory, of only dark
landmarks. It's a different feel
after dark. Not much of the
circumscribed world of 'day'
was left, in those past time
of walking after dark. It's
fair to say there's nothing then
to stop a figment or a dream.
I used to think it was Freedom.
That the only reason Government
was in place was to protect its
citizens lives, liberty, and
property. Past that point, (that
point being night) anything further
was diminishing Freedom and
hampering Liberty. I don't know
if that ever made sense, but out
along the darkened docks, and
the areas where few walked,
it certainly seemed that way.
I never even got a pat-down, nor
any real arrest; though one time
Mabel Johns got taken in, from
right nearby to me. Mabel was
a guy, actually, but that was the
name she gave, and she was
dressed that way anyhow, so
I guess at some point someone
got surprised, but she was out
again the next day. I never asked,
but I guess nothing much ever
came of that. I'd hate to be a
vice cop or whatever gets those
cases, just because of things like
that. For myself, at that time
period, even though it was all
going around  -  that impersonating
and cross-dressing  -  I never got
fooled. It was always obvious to
me. The chin was always wrong.
Girls have a different chin entirely.
And of course there's always the
neck and the 'Adam's Apple.'
(Weird name for that, and probably
once meant to be signifying so
much, though I never got it. What
was meant? The apple never went
fully down? And if it was a bite,
then it wasn't an apple?)...and of
course you've got the musculature,
which is all different, the calves
and shoulders, the upper arms.
Why did those guys even bother,
I used to wonder, and if you can't
'fix up' that magic spot, who cares
anyway and what's the use. Guys
about that stuff were so weird.
The last thing a Government or an
Authority ought to be concerned
about anyway is what you're calling
yourself. But they always seemed
to be right there, bashing heads or
rounding people up for what they
were pretending to be. I could have
gotten all involved in that crap too,
but I couldn't be bothered and
Stonewall was a bore. One time,
and this is much later, there's a
coffee shop right at the corner by
Stonewall. I ended up there once
with some lady who, during the
Zuccoti Park, Occupy Wall Street
crap, started yelling out my name.
I was confused as all get-out and
unaware of what was going on, but
damn if she said she'd recognized
me from, of all things, my posted
facebook profile photos. So, we
ended up there just to talk a little
and it turned out she was there,
that day, and in all her involvement
with Occupy WS, under a fake
name, no one really knew her but
she returned weekend after weekend
to the protest. She lived in Westfield
and was a school teacher in Rahway.
She made me swear to secrecy, even
though I didn't even know her real
name (she eventually told me but
I've since forgotten it) because she
said if she was found out she'd be
fired from her middle school teaching
position. Being over there with her
at Stonewall and Sheridan Square,
it passed my mind that maybe she
was also lesbian, but I never found
that out though it again made me
wonder about surveillance at things
like that, the protests and all, and
what possible role a Government
would have. There were cops
and detectives and probably
undercovers too, from there all
the way down to Zuccoti Park.
We eventually parted, and went
separate ways, but my being picked
out like that was scary, in its way.
I guess Americans never learned to
be worrying about things like that,
but I've always been suspicious, and
usually it's only years later that you're
told, or you learn, what was really
going on. Like back in the 1950's
when all those people were
unwittingly given LSD, so that
Gov't. researchers could observe
the results. No one ever said a word
about it, or any other CIA stuff from
back then  -  even the alien landings
and all that stuff  -  until much later.
It was like pulling teeth and then
into almost had to be beaten
out of them. Nixon and the rest
of those cats were all such jerks,
and before and ever after too.
Anyway, walking at night was a
real privilege. Even around here
now, the dark walk can bring
surprises, but nothing like back
then. Around suburban environs
it's all lights and roads, stupid
kids with their silly cars, noisy
and obnoxious and going nowhere.
Food, fat privilege, and a pervasive
sense of nothingness mostly all
account for 'Life' around there
parts. Like BB King had it,
'The Thrill is Gone.'
I still remain of the opinion that
forces other than the normal are
controlling people. Not me, mind 
you, but very many of the idiots
you see. It's simple enough once
you realize how 'mass-man' acts
and by what 'authority' Authority
has it to put into peoples' heads
whatever they decide should be
there. From the minute we're born
they're after that empty slate. Before
you even get to put your first mark
upon it they want you programmed
and controlled to see and act in
the manners they proscribe. Roles.
Manners. That's what the internalized
life is about, and why it's yet so
important  -  cram that slate and
hold it dear. Those are YOUR 
markings. You may let them 
THINK they've gotten to it first.
but there are ways enough that any
individual can wise-up themselves
and stay sacred, and fool authority
into thinking you're beneath the
thumb. Then one day we can
maybe all waked up and smite
them, dead. Just like their systems 
and desires already are. I think
we should all wise up, and just
tell them to fuck-off. Real names
given, only upon real request.

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