Thursday, May 28, 2020


How many lovely things I love
are too confusing after all : On
the high precipice, yes, something
is perched. Oh Lolly! Shall it fall?
Once I was in Ohio, the place called
Yellow Springs. I admit, it was pretty
cool  -  out behind the town, the Little
Miami River. Antioch too.
Some guy was running a raging bonfire
on the open lawn. It was Nov 2, a few
days before Trump got elected. Everyone
said that would never happen, but I said
back, 'I just drove across Pennsylvania,
and Ohio too. Something's going on.
All along the Interstates, those farmers
had given over their facing fields for
large Trump banners. I gotta' figure
that for something.' At the least a
change of manners.
Life went on. You should have heard
the monumental academic gasp just
a few days later.
I've always believed there's a
secondary meaning to everything.
The things we don't see but our spirit
surmises. Cloud-smoke, the haze of
battle, the mist of indecision too.
Those things end up all counting
heavy, for something.

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