Friday, May 15, 2020

12,814. NERVES

The time I mis-read Stepheson School
as Stepson School will surely live in
infamy. I was making an speech; well,
an address anyway, to those assembled,
and I stumbled over what I'd not adequately
prepared for. Stupid and foolish mistake,
but no real horror, though I did so much
feel as an idiot must feel on a stage lit
by bright lights. Maybe it was nerves,
or, as I said, maybe just ill-preparation.
Maybe had I read it three or four more
times to get ready that wouldn't have 
happened  -  but the best thing you can
do is laugh it off, make light. 'I was
actually hoping it was Stepdaughter
School I'd be addressing...' Ha Ha;
but you can't joke like that anymore.
It's now a deadly, squeamish world,
so you'd do best to just be ready.

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