Thursday, May 14, 2020


All you ever hard, back then, it seemed
were teachers' weird names  -  strings
of vowels and Irish O'Malleys : The
funny names of ghetto dames. I
never cared much for that, had no
taste, wasn't the discriminating sort.
Mr. Dorfus was a doofus to me. Miss
Bass took it up the ass. What difference
did it make to a profligate scoundrel 
like me? Funny, but there are guys now,
in the 70's too, who yet harbor a photo
and a reference for dear old Mr. Goober.
They way I always saw it, if you can't
move on it's because you're a moron.
I want my phone lines disconnected.
I want this house emptied of all things
that others say matter.
Let's go outside together. We can look
at the starry sky without stars, and you
can tell me about Mrs. O'Dray who used
to recite Wordsworth all day. Or that
other one, the tall dame with no tits,
who always talked about the Maypole
of Merriment in her Colonial History
class for kicks.
Me? Nah. nothing of that nature ever
arises. I hated school and every fool
who uses it still as a touchstone for
wonderful living, I probably hate them
just as much. Cirigliano? Yes, I remember
him. He went to jail for to much touch.
Good thing he never taught Girl's Gym.

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