Sunday, December 31, 2017


Murray and Martha were always fighting.
Over a this or a something of that. One time
I heard this entire story of 'the stupid man
who takes his clothes off at night and just
throws them on the chair for the next day
and then he can't find his wallet because in
carelessly throwing down his pants the wallet
came out of the pocket and landed under the
chair well enough hidden so that for two days 
no one knew or could find it. Things ended 
up crazy all topsy-turvy but do other women
have to go through this no they don't because
I've got a lazy husband who just throws his
clothes around and doesn't think anything of
it and just figures others will clean up after him.'
It was all a modicum of strange drama while
they were trying to run a store -  a small, ground 
level candy store with other things too and a
soda-fountain where kids would sit and drink
12 cent fountain sodas for an hour at a time. 
'Does my husband do anything to move those
kids along no not a thing they just sit there 
spending their 12 cents, 12 cents mind you, 
and never leaving. Does he tell them to move
along, no? Martha they're children he says
leave them be.'

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