Friday, December 8, 2017

10,267. GRIME

I went back today, looking 
for something, to the first piece
posted here. It says 2008. That
was long ago, but not. Meaning,
in regular terms, the years do pile 
up. Cosmic terms are different, making
the stars and moon seem as something
else, outside of time. As that first piece
says, 'in this I am not alone.' I was reading,
as well, a science piece today, real stuff,
not junk or comic book, that states the
moon is hollow. I thought that was pretty
scary  -  it also said scientists cannot quite
determine the origins of its ores and surface.
The writer said that science has 'agreed' 
on terms and words, for what they find,
but those are just covers for findings. If
people really knew, they fear there'd be a
panic  -  for the origin of it would then
turn out to have been something put there,
'manufactured' if you will, and left in place
by something else. And, within the stellar
and orbital plane, there is a corresponding 
hole where 'something once was' that is no
longer there. Everyone admits to that  -  
between our nearest planets, there's 
something missing, and we're an anomaly.
That's not news to me, no, and I've been 
saying the same for years. It's where I've
come from, but no one listens. Why need I
suffer in silence, I wonder? Is that something 
martyrs do too? Well, then, if so or if not, how
and why did I end up amidst this rabble? I am
not even real. I am not even real.
I know that, and I know what I feel.

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