Monday, December 11, 2017


And now (and now) I have the
ideas all over again : and no more
to keep a silence, no. This is a
sleeve oasis, sliding guide,
Porphyro in Akron, yes.
Once More : and now (and Know)
I have the ideas all over again :
(shall not go, no) to keep a
silence? Sleeve oasis? Sliding
guide? Headlong dive?
Porphyro in Akron, yes.
I am at the Manzanares River, 
in the Bombilla section of this 
broken burg. Espanol. Si. All 
these Summer bathers choking 
the streets and blankets, lying 
on dusty banks, under the sweet
acacia trees.
I am momentarily stunned : (And
now I have the ideas) : all over
again. It is like a vision of the
Resurrection  -  families lying in
the smothering dust and milling
in the road.  Speechless warrior.
Sleeve oasis. Sliding guide.
I see again. Si.
Porphyro in Akron. Si.

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