Saturday, December 30, 2017

10,348. DRAG-LINE

I wish I was in a Hollywood
movie, where I could walk on
clouds and always be groovy;
Where that hip little chick into
my tent would slip while her guy
was away with his thugs for a day.
We'd blitzkrieg the joint with
our love and kisses : eider-down
blanket and teapot dishes. Maybe
Paul Newman would sally on by,
looking for biscuits or bullets, and
some little girlfriend or other would
find him fetching and dear.
It's always like that in some back-lot
script -  the guy with the Alfa-Romeo
and that lady in furs. Three in the
afternoon cocktail breaks, to 'discuss'
the script, the three clowns on stilts;
the fire-lady, being rolled on a cart;
the circus movie being filmed at six.

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