Sunday, November 6, 2022


I remember it well. The newspapers
were all over that one, way back, when -
they said - fake news got its start. The
news-flashes were laughing, and they
murmured such stuff about God and a
girl. How stupid the story! They
claimed it unreal. 
Pontificating talk-show hosts, and
even Saturday Night Live rendered
comedy skits about virgins being
unwise; facebook, way back too, 
banned any mention of such, and
talk show hosts pledged fealty to
only speak ill of the inborn unborn.
It was a tempestuous time  - Rome
chasing the Israelites, and keeping them
down. Eventually - yes - they destroyed
the whole town and hung that young
preacher on wood. Though not upside
down as sometimes portrayed. Then
some claimed he rose and came back 
again, after only three days!
Who knows the real story? They were
too scared to tell : centurions, and legions,
and a road paved to Hell. 'My Soul doth
magnify the Lord. My Spirit rejoices 
in God my Saviour.'

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