Friday, November 4, 2022


I'm all fired up and ready,
with the blisters on the ends
of my hands. Thumbing a ride
on the Ferris Wheel, where
will I go from here? Shadows 
are making me blush, and my
personal masseuse has left
for the coast. Again.
There's a magician in the closet,
but he only speaks in tongues.
He took the hat right out of a
rabbit, as in the air it hung! All
things being equal, that's one
hell of a trick. Even for a
Tuesday makes me wonder about
election day, and who said what,
and what'd they say? Anyway?
I feel like new bride, with a
carving knife she just received
at a post-nuptial shower? You
want to run and hide. Keep
away from all that. It's a really
big secret, so keep it under your

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