Tuesday, April 30, 2019

11,726. FRANK-O-RAMA

Your dirigible eyes and so-shady
face rip the heart right out of my
chest. It beats so fast, I hope it
lasts. I get a pounding headache
from thinking of you, and really 
all I knew was your bother's girl
Sue. I always thought she was nice 
too. I guess, as it stands now, I am
footloose and fancy-free, thinking
things like Frank O'Hara, dancing
on dunes but not a moment too soon.
Oh Jesus, how does one die like that?
Anyway, back to you : your dirigible
eyes, so-shady face, the heart in
my chest fastly beating. Yes, yes,
I know, you've heard that all before 
and it's really quite deadly boring.

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