Sunday, April 21, 2019

11,702. RUDIMENTS, pt. 661

RUDIMENTS, pt. 661
(reality is a bloodbath)
'Let's have the why and
how of it, there are lights
on in every room here,
what are we, made of
money?' I never wanted
to have to be like that;
it seemed like such a
baseless preoccupation.
Not to be avoided, no,
but at least to be aware
of 'trying' to avoid. It
always just seemed
cheesy to me to have
to be that way. I guess,
however, if money is
a real concern, a few
minutes of extra lightbulb
times is a serious concern.
Once I got out of my
house, I never met any
other people who seemed
worried over things like
that  -  they just all rolled
along, buying what and
when they chose. It sure
put a lie to all that dumb
'classless society' crap we
used to learn about in
what was called 'Civics'
class  -  or be told about
anyway, because I knew
even then it was a line
of crap. Just go down
the line of any highway
new-car dealership lots
and see the difference
for yourself. Rich cars.
Poor cars.
There never was much of
a connection, to me, between
school and 'the real.' School
always managed to leave out
the practical stuff and go for
the silly ideal, which was
already proven as unattainable
and unreal. The whole thing
was a rat-race for crawlers,
to see who would come out
on top. It was E Pluribus
Unum anyway, not E Unum
Unum, or however that would
be said. From the One, One.
Now, I admit to not knowing
what I'm talking about. Never
did. But, then again, neither
did anyone else and they'd
never admit to it. Going to
school the idea that was
pounded in was that THEY
knew  -  the guy or lady
up front  -  and you didn't.
It was simply that sort of
power relationship that was
foisted upon you as an
unwitting kid, and by force
and with no choice in the 
matter. Most people just
went along, I suppose.
It never seemed fair, nor
sensible, to me  -  and I
wanted none of it. After 
I got the real basics down,
like having learned to read,
reason, make choices and
pick at numbers, I really 
needed little else because 
all the other 'else' was 
subjectivized prattle, in
the 'who sez?' department.
It's still like that today, and
I'd be sure to meet anyone
halfway and have a go at it,
head to head, debate to logic,
to prove my point. I've studied
and I've researched and I've 
concluded and I've proven.
And that's more than any of
the little glomheads (that's
glom, not gloom) lording
over me have ever done. I
own reality by now. Their
sick little sub-stratospheric
antics can't touch me. Even
with the painted trucks and
cars by which they declare 
and define their pathetic 
worlds. One of the things
about 'fiction' is that I've
never had time for it. I'm
too constantly busy, and too
constantly underway with
my own  material to have the
moments or inclinations to
thread with, and follow, the
convoluted inventions of
others. That's where trouble
begins. I have found life
to be all about numbers, and a
continuing series of constantly
changing equations, made
of numbers. A person must
constantly stay abreast of the
changing factors of those
numbers to attain the correct
sums, and only the correct 
sums are going to make things
correct. It's a very difficult
moment  -  at each moment.
The only other answer is 
silence, which may be 
better anyway.
The thing was to do every
little thing, with deliberation
and with care, while still moving
along, constantly. For me it was
about never stopping. In reality,
that's a debilitating practice,
but it's one I kept to nonetheless.
I'd watch people painting, and
there were numerous different 
kinds of painters. Slow, fast,
loose, or tight. The thing with
painting was that it belied all
else that I professed. One did
not need to be deliberate; the
entire idea of painting, in the
1960's especially, was to work
fast and work intuitively. That's
something of what the Studio
School was predicating their
form of 'instructional knowledge'
upon. It was more philosophic
that anything else  - the idea 
was based on a 'what is reality'
premise. If one needed the
exercises of simply painting
that which a camera could do
for you, than you were in the
wrong place. Those days were 
gone. The conscious camera-eye
had displeased all that old stuff,
and freed up the arts, of all types,
for multi-visional levels of a
far more intoxicating reality.
All the stops had been pulled
out and everything was set to
full 'Open.' That was a harsh
and heavy lesson to absorb,
and it made visual fools of
everyone and everything else.
I could no longer even look
at a normal person and share
their premise, ideas, outlooks,
and supposed understandings.
I was beyond that 'pale'.
At first it was very harsh
and intimidating, and sad 
in its way too. It becomes
very difficult to be that
distanced from others, and 
once set in, that distance 
only grows. Understandings
change and alter, and, as if
unmasked, the fallacies of 
that which everyone else
accepts are seen as blatant 
and yet so bad as to be
unimportant and certainly
not something to bring up or
try to correct others about.
Frankly, compared to 'Art'
as concept, they simply didn't
even any longer exist. Why
talk to a wall if the wall itself
is made of dead, stupid, bricks?
After a while the struggle is
seen as too myopic, and the
spirit wants to move on. For
me, at those time periods when
all this was most crucial, I
seemed always to be in the right 
spot. I'd managed to stay clear of
systems and grids, so I was not an
integral or enrolled part of anything
that would miss me. That little
bit of freedom in and of itself
was great.
As I'm writing this (an aside here,
before I close) the clock has just
rolled over to midnight, making
this 'Easter,' by the Christian
calendar  -  one of the more 
shameless, and sham, 'holidays'
of that entire pathetic tradition.
It's a perfect example of what
I mean  -  lost-dog people all
straggling around searching for
meaning and  -  in order to find 
some  - attaching weird mythology
to most everything they can. The
completely bogus aspects of any of 
this are overlooked, and people 
make instant liars out of themselves 
by playing along (and, yes, once
again, force-dragging their own kids
into the same mire). How is
anyone then supposed to pluck
meaning from the incidentals of life 
if what's presented to them is all 
the same crap? It's very psychotic, 
besides all that perfect timing, death 
at 3pm; clouds go dark, skies crackle;
Down from the cross, dragged across
town, put into a 'tomb' with a perfect
winding cloth, sweat and blood stained
facial images preserved forever on rags,
marginal and not-so-marginal people
given incidental roles  -  the rich, the
whore, the matron, the fey disciple, etc.
Three days, not 2 and 9/10's, not 3 and 
a half, it has to be three (psychotics are
always precise because you have to accept
THEIR game and their timetables). Time is
treated here, (time which is a long, single
continuum) as if it was parallel and not
continuous. These biblical folk never
saw a pop-top beverage, or a windshield
wiper; they never experienced the
written miracles and knowledge of the
physical world we now have  -  lungs,
breathing, roadways, transmission
of light and energy, all the presumed
miracles that dolts so quickly forget
about   -  yet for church purposes (of
exploitation, of power and control) are
pushed and foisted on the unwitting, as
parallel factors of time that are still
running concurrently as we exist.
It's all so false. Logic and reason are
nothing but a bloodbath. That's your
Baptism. That's your how and why.

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