Monday, April 29, 2019


Steamrollers to Matchbox cars;
Los Angeles Lakers to New York
Mets. I can't take the mix, but I
can't claim regrets. I once read
a comic each week, called Funky 
Weatherbean, or something close.
Now I can't remember a thing about
it at all  -  what I read or what it said.
Things are funny like that  -  a Model A
quite car in a streamlined world.
Today, we sat around the marble-top
table you keep in that studio you keep.
Yes, it's probably too big for the space, 
yet it works. There wasn't much going
on; I watched you working  - colors,
and layers, and large tubes of paint.
We mentioned how different I was;
working all crimped, in small, not
majestic places. I said mostly my
work comes out looking like that, or
showing evidences of tight quarters.
That's how it goes, I suppose  - me
wishing I had the space to just throw
paint around, and you, intent on
filling each inch or your vast spread.

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