Thursday, April 18, 2019

11,696. RUDIMENTS, pt. 658

RUDIMENTS, pt. 658
(metal machine music)
'You can get away with crap, if
it's done right.' A friend of mine
through another friend was saying
that. They were both there, and
laughing uproariously at what I
simply heard as noise. In addition,
even if it might not have been
just noise, it held no interest
for me. It was some time in
1975. In Avenel, actually, where
I'd returned for a few days never
knowing why. Those two, if this
was how they put their time together,
I thought, were real banana-heads.
Mike's Sub Shop was like going
to the Louvre, for them. Sitting
around, laughing at Metal Machine
Music, as put together by feedback
king of that day, Lou Reed, was
high cathedral music, carrying that
analogy to its own dead end. One
of them, Jack, kept this stupid-ass
list of what things the girl of his
dreams would have to like in order
to marry him. Yeah, really. It included
'paneling,'  -  she had to like paneling
and want it in each room of the
house. Then he had a list of foods
and things, like grilled cheese,
Whoppers, macaroni and cheese,
that she had to like and which she
also had to be willing to prepare
for him at any time, and at times
of his choosing. There were
other things, but it was so inane,
and it ran from like cars to sports
and clothes to wear. Crazy stuff.
I liked to barf before talking
about it. All through his high
school years  -  they had told me,
I wasn't aware  -  he'd wanted
to be a brain surgeon. Then he
enlisted for Vietnam and they
made him a Medic. And then
he signed up again for another
tour - it was so great, the first
one. But when they said it,
it was always connected to
laughter  -  they did that with
lots of things; all things were
funny. 'Man, did you see that!
(HA!) That guy in that GTO
just hit the abutment doing
about 90! He's splattered all
over the street!  Head spinning!
And the car's flipped over,
with wheels spinning! So
cool! (Ha Ha!!). If it couldn't
be found it was  funny, then
absurd would do, but it
had to be one or the other.
As it ended up, for the
remainder of his life he
was a computer tech guy,
which was cool, because
he got started really early.
Back when you could buy
 a total mainframe at Radio
Shack and, if you knew
what you were doing, put
together, and hop up, a real
deal computer, with speed.
It became funny to me how
all those car-hot-rod guys
had, at the end, a lot of the
same attributes as the new
breed, like him, but they
all turned out to be techie
hot-rodders. Same ethos,
same operative process?
I wondered.
I never knew what any of it was
all about, but Avenel as a home
base just never made sense; there
wasn't anything there. The other
guy had a girlfriend , over in
Sewaren, from a really oldline
and immigrant Austrian family.
The biggest thing in her life, also
annoying, forget the paneling stuff,
was to be a nurse; Muhlenberg
College; and some sort of nursing
school too in Allentown PA. Her
mainstay was in getting me to
sit still and 'listen, really listen;
have you ever heard the words
to it?' to that 'Bye bye Miss
American Pie' song, by Don
MacLean. I did, a few times,
and was non-plussed  -  it
was new, and different,
striking in a way, but I'd heard
a lot of that crap before and
realized all it took was a bit of
some little twisted sleight of
hand with words and anyone
could get that effect, besides
the whole rhyming couplet
rock-music junk. Nothing to
it; mystery parades as paradox
and ambiguity, and you've
got it made  -  acting 'sensitive'
helps too. To her it was as if 
an operatic milestone had been 
reached. I always hated that
rock-star a day BS that was so
much going down all through
that era. It still goes on, yes,
but at least now it's racial
enough that one can ignore
 it and blame, instead of their
musical ignorance and bleached
versions of Nobel Literature
stuff, the fact that 'I just don't
like rap music, tattooed people,
metallic teeth, big gums, and
names like 'L'il Diggy'and
'P-fap, or 'Shadey.'
Everything's such bullshit and
trash these days, and that's what
they teach and present and get
across. I think that technical and
scientific absurdity has reached
its limit and that the mass of men
lead lives of quiet perspiration,
and worry overly about that.
Intonation. Infatuation. Deliberation.
and Consternation. (They probably
wouldn't know the last two). I
never felt it was my duty, until
now, much later in life, to point
out to people how much they act
like dumb assholes (not that there are
smart ones either, I guess), as they
implement or undertake things.
Mostly, I just bite my tongue and
make sure to realize how it's not
much worth it. Back in '67, New
York people would throw down 
at the drop of a hat, over an insult
to a wife or girlfriend, or some
way-too-forward drunken and
offensive move. They'd step out
back and proceed to beat the 
crap out of each other, no one
much getting the better of the
other either, until they'd decide
they had enough and come
crawling back inside, bloodied,
tempers lessened, maybe bleeding
or bitching about a tooth or a
plate (fake teeth), but then they'd
often be best of friends again,
setting each other up for more
booze, a new camaraderie, and
arms about each others shoulders
too. For a minute. I'd seen it too
many times. No one fights like
that any more. There are too
many lawyers about, everyone 
sues, proprietors worry over
this and that  -  insurance rates,
(unless they're running 'bareback,'
which means operating with no 
insurance at all  -  as the old Maple
Tree did through the '90's). That,
in fact, was about the only place
I knew in those 1990's years that
ran in the fashion of an old-style
hootenanny kind of establishment.
I can remember shootings, stabbings,
and brawls too. Even one or two
court and trial date engagements.
Nothing ever came of any part of
it. They still closed up. Turning that
last century was tough; everyone got
piss-scared about everything; lawsuits,
millennium crashes; sex crimes; you
name it, and then 9-11 came through
and the endless years of dummy wars
and crybaby veterans and all that,
and everything we know of lost
sync, ran down, and just never got
going again until now all we're left
with oftentimes is a bunch of 
transgender nitwits forbidding 
this or that on their college watch, 
curtsying like goons to interest 
groups of their and only their 
choosing, and fabricating endless 
crisis moments, mostly because 
they can't stick to wiping their 
own butts and leaving it at that.
You can get away with a lot of
crap....if it's done right.
Thanks, Jack.

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