Wednesday, May 28, 2014


In time I shall wither, my own dog heart gone;
finished with all that leaping and panting and frolic.
I shall slow to that limp of the bad-hipped dog,
all bravado over and done.
Now, as well, the hillocks are mountains to these
trickling streams which are rivers. All things are
as they become  -  quite simply so  -  and
nothing more can be done.
Now, beneath trees of new, two-week old leaves, I
am sitting for daybreak again. This light here shall
find me  -  slowed yet solid and unforgiving and
grateful too. I have become an old man.
That elongated cupola with those bawdy clocks
once again not keeping right time. Over Nassau Hall
it catches the new light just right  -  as I wish here
 to capture life. And shine. 'Right back at you, 
world, right back at you again.'

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