Saturday, May 3, 2014


A mosaic  -  being a conversation between what 
is broken  -  really makes little sense. Like watching
the stop-action footage of a very old scene, a crash,
or a bomb explosion. Others can tell us what we're
seeing, but even they are not so sure. Like Putin, all
of a sudden worried about 'preserving the rights of
Russians in Ukraine' - all the while caring little for the
rights of Russians in Russia. Go ahead, you tell me.
I can tell you, once, right now, we're all doomed.
In the long run, as John Maynard Keynes put it,
'in the long run we're all dead.' Yeah man then.
Roll on, those tanks, roll on, those glimmers,
roll on, useless guns. And I hope you eat your
hand-grenade cocktail before the party-time ends.
Mosaics are made of shards.

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