Sunday, December 22, 2013


I followed the hawk to its perch  -  we were
watching. The big lady thought it was a soccer ball;
I knew differently. High up on the branch, there it
was. Distance is a geography we mix with.
I have nothing to conceal, nor pretend .Spaghetti on
the stove is boiling in its water 'A la dente', as my
father would say. Two weeks are more than enough.
The county of Middlesex, the Township of Woodbridge,
the crowd at Hurd's Brook, the mess at Parker Press.
There was a hanging tree on the old church lawn : a few
names, jotted down, remind us of who was hung.
And then, here we are, living on  -  long past circumference,
long past memory; allied now with nothing at all.

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