Tuesday, December 10, 2013


The name of God is but a gesture  -  
more like a wink, that gesture, that never
invites or calls. It does not behave, or have
to be; unlike a sign, bringing us no meaning
and standing for nothing at all except our
own intention, seeming. It is the name that
calls out to the lack of a name to these,
our all-too-human and common clues.
In the Kabbalistic cosmology ('align, oh stars,
this single sky within') all that which is created
constitutes one name : which is the name of
God formed out of the twenty-two letters
which correspond to the twenty-two parts
of the human body. Now who's telling
me that? And what do ever mean?
Comes these angels, and cover my limbs.
They walk all over me; each within themselves
bearing the divine name  -  and they leave
me branded with that word.
The glory of God inhabits the earthly temple
through the agency of the Name. Do not
fear that you will not know : for you will
not know, quite simply.
The world (of passing moment) is to be
read as a Divine text  -  in which we are
but words, with human eyes, spinning each
alone in the world we live  -  the slap-shut
of a door, the bonding of a tree, the glimmerings
of water. Such things are all we be. (In human
eyes, yes, alone, we are free).

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