Friday, July 31, 2020

13,018. RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,031

RUDIMENTS, pt. 1,031
(a choice of two evils?)
In looking back over my life,
from any of ten varied
vantage points, I'd have
to agree to the assumption
that it's been a failure  -  in
any material, professional,
reputational, sense. I can
accept that, and, at this late
stage, no matter anyway.
Achievements being nil,
at least I can still talk about
some of the attempts and the
witnessings. For one thing,
I think I spent an inordinate
amount of time making
distinctions between what
things 'were,' against what
they  'did.' It's a bit of the
same dualism, or break-up
between form and function.
I didn't realize that regular
people didn't make those
distinctions, and that the 
workings of things were
meant to just roll along and
NOT be so much examined.
Apparently people today are
mostly concerned with the
function, and the form can
be damned. Just look at the
ugliness of the 'new' all
around us. It gives even
trench-mouth a good name:
Endless rows of flat-faced
compartments, partially glassed
and partially fronted too with
'doors' that go nowhere, and
which, instead, open out to
false balconies or 'porches'
that would fit, perhaps, a
tortoise and a hare and not
much else. The pathos has
gotten so bad that, for instance,
here, nearby to me, at Station
Village (a travesty if ever)
someone in the end-corner
street compartment has
suspended a huge, tan,
over-sized, baseball mitt.
I suppose to welcome in the
new, truncated, disease-addled
half-season of raw nothingness.
It little matters to voided brains.
But, such distortions 'work' -
which becomes the only thing
that counts. No further values
are needed, or balanced. Utility
rules : a place to stay, sleep, toilet,
showers, and a central-enough
entertainment-sequenced room
for all the piddling overthoughts
given to things like baseball,
illogical talking heads, and
'political' lies and malapropisms,
enough to baffle the Gods. And,
oh, speaking of which, there are
always, in these sorts of projects,
a close enough proximity to some
form of public worship center(s),
be they churches of edifice, or the
usual transformed and repurposed 
storefronts and painted holes of
ghetto churches for things like the
Church of the Divine Light and
Sword. Small doses, big heaves.
It's come down to the factors of
falsity, everywhere. Nothing is
'real' anymore. Ice cream is waxy,
to extend the melt-period and be
neater for at-home use; chemical
additives give the flavor sought;
Bread is plastic-wrapped atrocious,
etc. It's as if the 'utility' watchword
now is 'No bread, just the idea of
bread,' or 'No ice cream, just the
idea of ice cream.' And people tell
me I'm nuts when I say we make
the world up? I never cared for
the utility aspect of things. If
something worked, fine, all well 
good, but I was always getting
lost instead, in form and shape
design; a sort of 'romantic' view
of a world far behind, from where
these things may have come.
A character like that has all the
earmarks of going nowhere, and
by my concern for the certainly
non-productive aspects of a still
and meditative life I was never
much of a bet for anyone else 
concerned with the future, and 
lucre, and Moloch. See where my
was headed? Few takers.
That was one of the things I
always liked about the middle
ages, or the way-old, or whatever
you'd like to call it. Back then,
utility be damned, some King
or royal personage could have 
taken me up; been my patron,
supported me, given me a niche,
a place in the castle to stay
and work. Some crazy, and
hard-wired artist nut-case
kept on the premises. That used
to prove things to Kings and
all, back then. It was considered
high style, and real goodness,
to have someone like that on
your premises and within your
close realm. And every so often
producing something to prove
it. That's how the modern word
has ruined everything : utility,
profit, loss, balance, forecasts,
shareholders, and all the rest.
OK, sure, it is said we no
longer have people hungry 
(wrong), dying in the streets,
(wrong), sick and maimed
(wrong), indigent (wrong) -
how do you disprove a notion
like that? On the other hand, 
we get wasteful and devious 
corporations, making 40 kinds 
of toilet tissue, 3o different 
kinds of redundant butter 
and spreads, 100 plus kinds
of cereals, cookies, and kiddie-
torques of breakfast foods and
other slop, vitamin-enriched
death and stupidity, and everyone
is happy, right? Yeah, but look
out the window in most any
urban area, and see what's 
happening, and even the
suburbs are sinking. So I
was always stuck, and right
between things too. My friends
at the Village Diner, they seldom
understood what I meant in trying
to get across to them how I actually
enjoyed their torments  -  they'd
have hoodlums come in for
payoffs and stuff, and a scene
would ensue, the place would get
pushed around. No one really
blinked or even ever really got
hurt  -  it was all more sort of the
typical New York City ballet that
everyone went through. I'd say
that, and they'd laugh, thinking
as if to say back, why should you
care? Fact is, though I never
admitted it, I bled for everyone,
for way too long. That too was
unproductive, but I'm still a
sap when I see a bad situation.
And I still never know if that's
how things are, or how they work.

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