Monday, July 27, 2020

13,009. LEMEINO

The tassles ran along the
bottom of the truck, so maybe
instead of truck it was 'float?'
But when was the last real
parade you saw? Not me.
The girl in bright yellow, she
could be a drum majorette,
but if so, I regret to say not a
good one at all. When you 
throw a baton upward, isn't
it supposed to be caught?
I thought. The legion guys
were drinking beer at the tent,
watching things too. Not so
different from me, though
they were nearer the street.
I was wishing it was Winter
once more; I guess because
I dislike the heat, but also
because that same heat sure
kills a parade. It that was what
this was. A really old guy was
out in front of his house; sitting
in a chair, alone, and watching
too. Others waved to him as
they walked along, and I saw
one kid, with a basket, run over
and give him some cookies. Two
fire tricks came along, blaring, and
then a group of people, with their
banner, proclaiming this or that:
'Six Stars to Eternity Legal Aid,'
that was the next group in line.

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