Monday, January 1, 2018


And how I got them I do not know. This
baby's in its cradle now. Whoever said
'what you don't know can't hurt you,' was
obviously mad, insane, out of touch, 
unaware, far removed, distracted forever, 
stupid, plain, or scaldingly dumb. Those
are the things that kill you.
I took the jabbering 5:15. That's my name
for the quiet train; I call it that because,
at that early hour of the morning no one's
talking. I take the quiet 5:07 home : And
I call it that because, even though it's a quiet
car, every mortal fool headed for Newark, 
Elizabeth, Linden, and Rahway, seems to 
think they can spike their punch and
loudly talk no matter.
Spanish, Hindi, German, Malay, Tagalog,
bad English, good English, Mexican,
Thai, Chinese, Polish, Russian, and
Uzbecki too. I leave off Italian and the
rest for you. Little do they understand 
that I understand them too. 
Yes, it's a burden to have to learn that
Nairopa is impregnated now by Banju,
and Carlita wants another baby with 
Franito. Or that Ahman, finished soon
with his probabtion will probably go
to live with Salita in Port-Au-Prince.
Welcome to the new world, Chrsitofaro
Columbiano Anitquando Rustifaro.
And Happy Pinata to you!

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