Friday, January 19, 2018


How they go on, with all their
mumblety-peg twaddle from
Harrisburg to Seattle, New York,
Chicago and Akron, and their
Albuquerque too. I wouldn't
know what to do if I didn't have
you? How did I get to that?
They're standing at some lethal 
statue of a General One or Two;
soldiers with rifles, numbered
wars and battle, in place. Antietam,
Chickamauga, and Wilderness.
They'll have to do. Look at the
man's sculpted face : why it's
half blown off!
I can hear them, over at Adler's
Alley, by the beer hall called
Pigsy's  -  they fight and they 
argue; loudly disagreeing about
all they do not know. Wives and
cannons, darts and cars.
Here we go again, just like still
another civil war : the scrapes and
the deaths, the broken families and
the women and wives, raped, pillaged,
and left for nothing at all but the dead.
Henry died along Maskell Road, while
Henrietta died at Bodey-Mount Head.

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