Sunday, January 28, 2018

10,453. ALL I EVER

All I ever wanted to do was
snare a fox, stop a bullet, and
end a pain. I wanted to go out
and stay drunk - so totally bad
that my eyeballs each would
go off in different directions.
I'd sleep in  a cave of reckoning
amid echoes of the sounds of a
roaring clock. Our pas de deux,
coming though, would have to 
do. Highballs to the eyeballs too.
I made pain and injury my major
product; my maladjusted fittings
to the grommet of the world. All
I ever really wished for were my
dreams, unfurled; but that failure
was a powder-keg too. Getting 
drunk now is all I wish to do. 
Today there's rain on Jeremy's
old Christmas lightbulbs, which
have never come down. They
will still be up in March. That's
so like this town. 'I walk this
lonesome road, the only one
that I have ever found...'

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