Saturday, May 30, 2015


Recharging batteries, waiting for the red light
to turn to green  -  not traffic but charging. My
drill needs some power. All the same I love this
work, hard work, the kind an American used to 
do : subtleties out the window, I give it all to you.
Sitting in an opaque setting, dull light beaming
down and a newly temperate heat causing people
to wilt. Same complainers about snow and cold
are now complaining about heat and humidity.
I tell them : 'It's not the heat, it's the memories.'
Civil War re-enactors, always at it anyway, wearing
those hideous, hot, uniforms when they should be
tattered and haphazard instead. "I came south, I came
south to kill the Rebs. That's all I know for sure.'
That was the talk of the New York streets about all
the boys who went . Same words just a different place.
Nothing organized about it. Draft Riots and purchasing 
one's exemptions just by being rich. Just like the new 
Corporal said : "It all works out in the end. Fall in."

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