Thursday, May 14, 2015

6734. HIGH SCHOOL, '67

Bravo and here. I have been sent home again,
for something, I can't even remember which :
too long hair, unkempt manner, sandals not
allowed, unacceptable clothing. Pulled out of the
hallway, by the art teacher, no less. Frank Gubernat.
OK, let's be Frank  -  Up yours and you're a dick.
Like my friend George told me : 'If they can't take
a joke, then fuck dem up dem ass.' He had a way
of putting it. Frank Gubernat. Unbelievable to me
too  -  art has a way of taking you past this crap, 
enlightening  and lifting the mind. Not for this fool :
'I teach the Art, yeah, but there's still the rules and
the right ways of doing things  -  you've got to learn
to follow and produce.' What marine sergeant crap
I hear. 'I'll tell you what, I'll go home and I won't
come back. How's that creative solution 
plump your cap?'

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