Friday, May 29, 2015


The man who looked like Columbus
said, "I've made everything work for me, 
don't you see. I've got no regrets." He's
just like that  -  a cauliflower ear in a no-duck
zone, fighting to the end and always listening
for the bell. Subtle differences reign. He'd never
tell. His life is an oasis; money, cars and greed.
The disastrous love affair his first-wife had  -
she always says  -  was with him. I ought to know,
I've kissed her twice. Once was in the bowling
league in old San Juan; eating peppers spiced
with something horrid, even hotter than her.
Another time, a cool, crisp Fall morning, I was
walking up the hill to New Providence, yes, and
I swear I saw her again  -  rising away in a dark
blue Subaru and looking at me the whole time.

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