Thursday, May 14, 2015


If I could sit around reading Hart Crane all
day, maybe I would  -  but it goes too fast and
I've read it all already. His fawning letters home 
too. Mama send me money.
The trend is to the trending, the opulence of a
crowd on an open-faced bridge, done with 
cathedral highlights that take the heart away.
New York City hasn't seen a barn like that in
centuries; and I'd bet I could explain it all.
Too many little poeple now, ice-skating and
roller-blading. I can't take the steam and I won't
take the heat. On these library steps I sit, facing
two lions, both off to the side. I wait for nothing,
and I want less. If I was a smoker, good time 
for a smoke. Instead, I just sit and mope.

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