Friday, May 15, 2015


--(oh, I don't know; something to do with Hemingway)--
Well then, I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? It's 2am
and I'm still strapped to this back-breaker machine and
it's set to the highest speed and pressure. Let me off some
maybe? Thom Paine? These are times that try men's souls?
Summer soldiers, Winter patriots? Any of those code words
still matter? I just don't know and I just don't reason.
You're reading Poor Richard? An almanac while you sit
by a Franklin Stove? How cute, how quaint is all this now?
Vermont, like a memory, makes me hinder my chance for
chances. My lust for life is gone, and I've got two good ears.
I'd try to shoot myself, but I know I'd miss.
OK then  -  for now let's make it short and sweet, like a
Hemingway sentence, declarative and right to the point. 
No decoration : damn the bullfighter, I want to say, damn
Robert Jordan, damn Jake's damaged penis, wounded as
he is in the 'worst-place-of-all-places'. I mumble : 'so
what makes you think your death matters, with
so many more deaths to follow.'

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