Saturday, May 9, 2015


How I love the lift and the lie and the lucre
that goes with it. I love that false facade of 
the million dollar buildings only we take to
the bank. All around me, a growing city now
laments  -  or tries to. Making amends for
itself, budgeting a crisis, counting the blind.
I make mansions with my teeth  -  establishing
new men as kings is as easy as pie. Boats in the
harbor, and all those fiercely needed new piers. 
Jobs appear! I am a magical sort of guy.
Some kind of Indian chief was I. Now, there are
new hordes of old Irish, and we have stepped heavy
over this old Indian land :  20 pieces of silver, here,
are the same as 24 dollars, beads and wampum. 
Betrayal is the same in any language.
Bow down before your God.

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