Wednesday, May 20, 2015


["It wasn't just the coat of arms that was treasonous, but
the entire estate seemed somehow perverse. The eaglets had
sat down for tea, and some midden-mast chore-maid was bending
over to serve. Quite a fetching sight, though no one said a word.
Cleavage the size of Rhode Island  -  perhaps that gets across the
idea. An ideal situation for an idiot-savant to say something rude
and get away with it. 'Excuse me, ma'am, but this back-breaking
work has bent me over and weakened my bearing. I need to rest,
can you turn my bed?' Well, something like that.
The rooster from the other edge of the county was counting
beads and churning his stomach free of jellybeans and taffy;
he seemed to take solace in the fact that he'd already sired here
five children with a few different lassies. There's a book or a
story at least in here somewhere : let me see  -  D'Arcy, or a
Madame Bovary?
Footwear; that too was beyond discussion; Big John Falconetti,
having lost a leg in the Crimean War, made no bones to be not
discussed. No talk of shoes, forevermore. Or quote this
raven : Nevermore."]

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